The wedding band serves a dual purpose: it is a permanent symbol of the couple's love and commitment for each other; the ring — a smooth gold band, free of engraving or gems, a simple unbroken circle — alluding to a marriage unmarred by conflict or distraction. But it also plays a very important role in the wedding ceremony, serving as the object through which the betrothal is effected (see Kiddushin — Betrothal). Thus following the technical requirements pertaining to the wedding band is crucial.

A simple unbroken circle alludes to a marriage unmarred by conflict or distractionThe wedding band must belong exclusively to the groom—it is his gift to his bride. Often, the parents of the groom or bride purchase the band. In such an instance it must be ascertained that the band was given to the groom as an unconditional gift before the chupah.

According to kabbalah and Jewish tradition, the wedding band should be pure gold and totally unadorned. In certain circles, it is customary to use a silver ring. It should not be set with a stone, nor should it contain any inscription. (A diamond ring can be given to the bride later; many do so in the Yichud Room.)

The bride must not give the groom a ring beneath the chupah. If they so wish, this may be done at a later time. See Is a "double ring" wedding ceremony okay?