The Kingdom of Judah
By Jacob Isaacs
Published by Kehot Publication Society
Judea's Spiritual Strength, Rehabeam's Sin and Punishment
Victory over Jeroboam
The Piety of King Asa, Asa's Confidence in G-d, Asa's War with Baasha
Jehoshaphat's Prosperous Reign, Jehoshaphat's Military and Political Strength, Jehoshaphat's Alliance with Ahab, Jehoshaphat's Further Exploits
Joram's Evil Reign, Joram's Punishment
Ahaziah, Athaliah's Reign of Terror
Joash's Escape, Joash Proclaimed King, The Return to G-d, Repair of the Temple, Zachariah's Death, Joash's Death
Moral Relapse, Jotham's Loyalty to G-d
Micah's Message
Pleads with the People, G-d's Complaints, Blames Leaders, Justice and Righteousness, G-d's Kingdom on Earth, Israel's Future Glory
Hezekiah's Piety, Political Strength, Conspiracy against Assyria, Sennaherib's Punitory Expedition
Sennaherib Besieges Jerusalem, Rabshakeh's Message, Miraculous Liberation
The prophet sees calamity as a severe punishment from G-d and calls to his brethren to return.
Nahum's prophecy centered upon the hostile city of Nineveh, where cruelty and oppression reigned supreme.
Habakkuk's chief message was a sad prophecy of the triumph of the Chaldeans (Babylonians) over Israel.
The prophet Zephaniah proclaimed his prophecy to the people of Judah during the reign of King Josiah.
Josiah, Discovery in the Temple, The Prophetess Huldah, Spiritual Revival, Military Strength, War against Egypt; Josiah's Death
Judea on the Downward Path, Fall of Assyria; Growth of Babylon, The Prophet Uriah, Jeremiah and the False Prophets, Jeremiah's Scroll
Zedekiah's Rebellion, Jeremiah's Advice Ignored, Jeremiah Thrown Into Prison, Jeremiah Thrown Into Mudpit, Capture of Jerusalem
Nebuchadnezzar Destroys Jerusalem
Nebuchadnezzar Destroys Jerusalem
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