The Yom Kippur Services
An Overview of the Yom Kippur Prayers
Yom Kippur Eve Services
Kol Nidre (“all vows”) is an ancient formula said on Yom Kippur eve, declaring all unintentional vows null and void. It also refers to the Yom Kippur evening service.
What does the morning service ("Shacharit") consist of? And what is the "Yizkor" service?
The "Musaf" service is an essential portion of Yom Kippur prayer, culminating with the Priestly Blessing...
What prayers are said in the afternoon? And why that specific Torah reading?
The "Al Chet" confession of sins is said ten times in the course of the Yom Kippur services...
At dawn or early in the morning before Yom Kippur, take a live chicken, fish or money which will then be given to charity and recite...