Wandering in the Desert
Revelation at Sinai, Battles, Complaints and More
By Jacob Isaacs
Published by Kehot Publication Society
Moses Sweetens Bitter Water, Meat and Bread in the Desert, Water from a Rock
The Preparations, The Revelation on Sinai, The Ten Commandments, Moses Receives the Torah
Rebellion, Aaron Plays for Time, Moses Return:, Punishment of the Guilty, Atonement, Second Tablets, G-D Forgives the People
The Study of the Torah, 613 Precepts, Hebrew Calendar, The Festivals, A Holy Nation
The Sanctuary, The Architects, Plan of the Sanctuary, The Holy Vessels, The Priests, Consecration of the, Tabernacle, Death of Nadab and Abihu, Cloud the and Pillars of Fire
Departure from Sinai, The People Ask For Meat, The Seventy Elders, Miriam's Sin
Moses Sends Scouts to Canaan, Return the Spies, Penalty for the Revolt, The Rebels' Second Disobedience, Punishment for the Desecration of Shabbat, Punishment for Blasphemy
Korah and His Associates, Moses Admonishes the Rebels, Dathan's and Abiram's Spite, Punishment of the Rebels, The Budding Staff
Miriam’s Death, The People Grumble Again, The Sin of Moses and Aaron, Aaron’s Death, The Brazen Serpent
The Circuitous Route, Defeat of Sihon and Og, The Division of Trans-Jordan
Phinehas, the son of Elazar the high priest, was among those who saw Zimri's shameless conduct. He took a spear and entered Zimri's tent.
End of The Desert Journey, Installation of Joshua, Moses’ Farewell, Moses’ Death
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