
Sivan Articles

10 Sivan Facts Every Jew Should Know
Counting from the springtime month of Nisan, Sivan is the third month on the calendar.
The Month of Sivan
Video | 11:31
The Month of Sivan
Transcendent divinity directing the humanistic
Sivan is the month in which the Torah was given. The commandments are not humanistic, but divine. An overarching light and transcendent divinity must drive our reading of the Torah. This lesson explores how to bring the essence of our Creator into the details of our lives.
Month of Sivan (1)
Audio | 17:31
Month of Sivan (1)
Month of Sivan (2)
Audio | 16:40
Month of Sivan (2)
Month of Sivan (3)
Audio | 16:40
Month of Sivan (3)
Don't Get Lost in the Crowd
The commandment to count the Omer is an mitzvah upon every individual -- as opposed to a communal obligation. This tells us something about the nature of our relationship with Torah.
Mothers-in-Law and Daughters-in-Law
A Supercharged Opportunity for Personal Growth
Can two women love the same man and live in peace? If the MIL/DIL relationship could work with a minimum of hang-ups and negativity, these two lucky ladies would have worlds to offer each other...
A Love Letter from G-d
You open the letter carefully, you start to read your beloved’s words and you actually begin to hear her voice. And then you feel her presence.
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