This text is copied from a letter written by R. Yechezkel (“Chatshe”) Feigin, secretary of the Rebbe Rayatz, on 10 Teves, 5700 (1939). The paragraph which ends with the above words began as follows:
As to the state of health of the Rebbe Shlita, the extent to which this whole matter affected his medical condition needs no explanation, for even when the war quietened, he was yet to suffer from the victorious army, because of their particular hatred for our brother Jews. As soon as he arrived in Riga, [the capital of Latvia,] he immediately proceeded to a sanatorium, and he is there now. However, thank G‑d, no serious weakening of his condition is apparent.
As to the fact that he remained there, one can truly see the hand of Divine Providence. As we heard directly from him, [and the letter continues with the above-quoted words:] “Since…”.
R. Yechezkel Feigin was born ca. 5655 (1895); studied in Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch until 5671 (1911); in Yeshivas Toras Emes in Hebron, 5672-5674 (1912-1914); again in Lubavitch, and elsewhere. Mashpia of the branches of Tomchei Temimim in Homil, Poltava, Kharkov and Nevl. Secretary of the Rebbe Rayatz from 5687 (1927). Saved from Warsaw in 5700 (1940) and moved to Riga. In 5701/5702 (1941/1942) he perished in the Holocaust. May G‑d avenge his martyrdom!
Tehillim 91:15.
This is the term by which Bamidbar 10:4 refers to the nesi’im.
In another letter, dated 26 Teves, R. Yechezkel Feigin wrote: “Regarding this whole matter of the Rebbe’s remaining there all that time, we observed the particular workings of Divine Providence. As he himself once said, ‘Since it is written that [G‑d says], as it were, “I am with him [i.e., with My people] in their distress,” the heads of the thousands of Israel ought to do the same.’ ”