By the Grace of G‑d
7th of Tammuz, 5731
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[June 30, 1971]

Greeting and Blessing:

I duly received your letter, and no doubt you also received my previous letter.

In connection with the forthcoming auspicious days of the 12-13th of Tammuz, I send you my prayerful wishes that the arrangements for the observance of the Chag HaGeulo should be with Hatzlocho. May you have good news to report in all matters, both general and personal, in a happy frame of mind and joyous heart. May the Chag HaGeulo also bring you, in the midst of all our people, a Geulo of all distracting things, materially and spiritually.

With the blessing of Chag HaGeulo,

M. Schneerson