By the Grace of G‑d
27th of Adar I, 5727
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[March 9, 1967]

Greeting and Blessing:

I was about to have a telephone call put through to you to find out what is happening, when your letter of the 6th of March has just arrived. If you visited the Solicitor what was his advice?

After reading your letter, it still seems unclear what has brought about the radical change. Needless to say, I totally disagree with you that for the past six years there has been a deterioration in your financial situation. Although I do not know what the situation was before that time, it appears, according to my evaluation, that during the past six years, with the latest check, you have earned, conservatively… As I have mentioned to you several times, it is still unclear to me what has happened to this sizable amount…

This is not the time to enter into a debate on all the factors involved, which should be best left for a time… I must, however, again express my view, which I indicated to you a long time ago, that apparently your bank manager is responsible for a good part of your troubles. One of the points here is the interest charges, and, who knows, perhaps there have been other “irregularities”, which have swallowed up the largest part of the income. What is the amount of interest (paid and due) during the years 1964-1967?

I am sorry that I cannot be more specific, inasmuch as during all this time you yourself have apparently not kept me informed of the actual situation in its details. I say this without any untoward feeling, G‑d forbid. The only reason I mention this again in this letter is to emphasize the need to be very cautious in regard to the manager and whatever advice he gives you. It is clear that even if he were quite scrupulous, it could be expected that his advice would be somewhat partial in his favor first, and only then would your interests be served. Under the present circumstances, however, there is reason to doubt whether your interests were considered at any time altogether.

As to the question with whom to discuss all this – it must be, first of all, one who commands your complete confidence, and to whom you will reveal all the details involved throughout the past six years, including also the actual percentage of the interest which went to the bank and that which went to the manager. For, if it was a private loan, then surely the interest went to a private pocket, and just as the manager originally said that it came from a friend of his, yet overnight it became a bank loan, it is just as possible that the purported friend was none other than himself, and that the interest went to him. This would provide a simple explanation of his conduct, which does not appear to be altogether in the interests even of the bank.

It is not my habit to enter into anything which smacks of Loshon Hora, and as far as the manager is concerned, I do not even know him. Nevertheless, his conduct arouses one’s serious suspicions. I say this for the sole purpose that you ought to find someone locally with whom you could discuss this matter fully and decide upon future policy, and how to deal with the various “suggestions” which you have been receiving now and will in the future.

Last, but not least, we are approaching now Rosh Chodesh Adar 2, in transition from one Adar to the other, when we have been commanded by the Torah to increase in joy. May G‑d, in His abundant kindnesses, provide true reasons for you and your family to have a growing measure of true joy.

Enclosed is a P.S. note which, through an oversight, was not included in a previous letter1.

Hoping to hear from you good news, and wishing you and yours a truly happy Purim, and to carry over the joy of Purim throughout the year,

With blessing,

M. Schneerson