[Early 5724]

P.S. I have just received your letter of the 26th of Elul.

First of all, I want to congratulate you and wish you Mazel Tov on your reelection as the President of the Shechita Board. May G‑d grant that your achievements in the next term will even surpass those of the past, and will continue on the upgrade, in accordance with the principle that all matters of goodness and holiness should be on the ascendancy. Since this is the directive of our Torah, it is also an assurance that it can be fulfilled.

I trust that Mrs. Jaffe had no objections to your reelection, but, on the contrary, takes pride in it, and may G‑d grant that both of you will continue your work for the spreading of Yiddishkeit in your community, in good health and with much true Nachas from your children and, in due course, grandchildren.