
By the Grace of G‑d
21st Menachem Av, 5723
[August 11, 1963]

Greeting and Blessing!

I confirm receipt of your letter from 8/2 and the previous one.

Regarding the question of selling the warehouse or renting it:

This depends on the possibility of whether there will be better offers and better usage in the interim. It is therefore advisable to confer with friends who are on the spot. And as has already been said, “Salvation will come with much counsel.”

There is a general advantage to selling in that there is one less thing to worry about (the constant attention for the building and its upkeep), and one is free to concentrate on other matters.

My reply to your other letter has surely arrived on time.

With regards to your family and with blessing for good news in all the above as well as in communal matters,

M. Schneerson