Secretariat of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson

By the Grace of G‑d
19 Adar I, 5722
Brooklyn N.Y.
[February 23, 1962]

Sholom uBrocho:

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your cable, but the meaning of the words “May I call next week to discuss general situation” is not quite clear.

If your intention is [to] make a telephone call, you are probably aware that the Rebbe Shlito does not generally accept telephone calls. Besides, it would hardly be convenient to “discuss” a general situation over the ‘phone, and some aspects may require unhurried consideration, etc. Therefore the Rebbe Shlito suggested that it may be more practical for you to write about these matters in pertinent detail, especially as airmail correspondence with England is quite expeditious.

With kindest regards,

Nissan Mindel

P.S. Since writing the above, Rabbi B. Shemtov just flew in. Checking with him as to your intention, we gather that you meant a personal call. When I brought this to Rebbe’s Shlito attention, the reply was that he is always pleased to meet with such friends as your good self. He wondered, however, that, unless there are compelling reasons, whether the same purpose cannot be attained via correspondence so as to save you the effort, time and expense?