By the Grace of G‑d
1st of Iyar, 5720
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[April 28, 1960]

Greeting and Blessing:

I was very gratified to see Abraham Joseph back, and to learn of the wonderful impression that he has made in Manchester.

This is also to acknowledge receipt of your letter, which he brought with him, and thank you very much for giving me a running commentary on the various correspondence.

Hoping to hear good news from you always, and wishing you and Mrs. Jaffe again much Nachas from your children,

With blessing,

M. Schneerson

Since writing the above, I received your letter of April 25, with enclosure. I was particularly gratified to know Mrs. Jaffe's part in arranging the girls visit to the Mikvah. Every influence and inspiration that can be given to the future Jewish housewives – Akeres habayis – is of tremendous importance, and this in itself – as in the case of all Mitzvos – is the true reward, as our Sages said, “the reward of a Mitzvah is the Mitzvah itself.” I appreciate Mrs. Jaffe's thoughtfulness in wanting me to know about it, for it gave me considerable spiritual satisfaction. I trust she will continue these efforts, and also exert some influence on…, in accordance with the dictum of our Sages, “One Mitzvah brings another in its train.”