By the Grace of G‑d
18th of Adar I, 5719
Brooklyn, N.Y.
[February 26, 1959]
Greeting and Blessing:
I was pleased to receive your letters and to be informed that you and Mrs. Jaffe have arrived safely and already had occasion to deliver regards from here.
I hope and pray that our personal acquaintance will spur each one of us in our efforts to further all those sacred causes which we discussed personally, and also those which were mentioned during the Chassidic gatherings here. May these efforts grow steadily, in good health and happiness in every respect, including also Parnosso.
You mentioned about the problem of capital allowance which has been satisfactorily resolved. May you be equally and even more successful in all other aspects, materially and spiritually.
With blessing and regards,
M. Schneerson
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