The current sefer in the Vedibarta Bam series is a compilation of explanations of the Birkat Hamazon — Blessing after the Meal, with additions for Sheva Berachot, Brit Milah, and Pidyon Haben. Also included in this “bentcher” are the Kiddush, Havdalah, and hymns sung at the Shabbat table as well as minhagim taken from various sources.

This “bentcher” was originally compiled as a means of offering blessing, praise, and song to Hashem for granting me and my wife Bracha the blissful opportunity of seeing our dear grandson, Eliyahu Akiva שי' Lipskar, become a Bar-Mitzvah. It is being reprinted now so that the insights contained herein may be enjoyed by many.

This sefer follows the version of Nusach Ari edited by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Chassidut and first Rebbe of the Lubavitch dynasty. In accordance with his ruling (Shulchan Aruch Harav 167:5), all berachot are translated in past tense. To avoid halachic controversy, (see Haggadah shel Pesach — Ki Yishalcha Bincha p. 14), for the Holy four lettered name the authentic pronunciation of Ad-onai is used. The name Elokim is translated as “G‑d,” and the name “Keil” as “A-mighty.”

My endeavors to publish are materialized thanks to the secretarial talents of my daughter, Yehudis Leiter, the meticulous editing of Dr. Binyamin Kaplan, the dexterity in computer graphics of Yosef Yitzchok Turner, and the congenial disposition of Rabbi Yonah Avtzon, Director of Sichos In English. To all of them, and to you dear readers whose compliments are a source of encouragement, I extend sincere appreciation and profuse thanks.

Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky

7th MarCheshvan, 5761