"כמו שנאמר על מצות ומרורים יאכלהו"
“As it is said: “With matzot and maror they shall eat it.”
QUESTION: This pasuk is from Bamidbar (9:11), and it refers to the second Pesach-offering, which was brought one month later by those who were unable to bring it in the proper time. Why doesn’t the Haggadah quote the pasuk in Shemot (12:8), which refers to the first Pesach and which states, “Ve’achlu et habasar balailah hazeh tzeli eish umatzot al merorim yochluhu” — “They shall eat the flesh on that night — roasted over the fire — and matzot; with bitter herbs shall they eat it”?
ANSWER: The word “matzot” in the pasuk in Shemot can be explained as being connected to the earlier part, namely, that at night they should eat the meat with matzot. Then the pasuk continues to command another separate obligation, namely, that the meat should also be eaten with bitter herbs. Hence, there is no proof from the pasuk that all three, Pesach, matzah, and maror, are to be combined and eaten together. This is only clear in the second pasuk, which states that “They shall eat it with matzot and maror.”
(רמב"ן, ועי' הדרש והעיון – שמות, ושו"ת חתם סופר או"ח סי' ק"מ)
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