"ביום השמיני עצרת תהיה לכם"
“The eighth day shall be a restriction for you.” (Bamidbar 29:35)

QUESTION: After celebrating Sukkot for eight days, Hashem added Shemini Atzeret because “kasheh alai peridatchem” — “your going away (lit. ‘separation’) is difficult for me” (Rashi).

It should have said “kasheh alai peridateinu“Our parting is difficult for me”?

ANSWER: On a holiday people are relaxed, in good spirits, and in harmony one with another. When Jews are united and live in peace, Hashem takes delight in His people. During the week, however, when people are involved in the hustle of their day-to-day life, they often come into conflict.

After observing the Jewish people celebrating eight days of harmonious living, Hashem added another day, saying: “Kasheh alai peridatchem — It is difficult for me to see the separation and disunity among you when you are busy with your weekday business. Therefore, let us have one more day of Yom Tov.”

(פון אונזער אלטען אוצר)

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The Gemara (Shabbat 31a) relates that a gentile came to the great sage Hillel asking to be converted on the condition that he teach him the entire Torah while he stood “al regal achat” — “on one foot.” Hillel responded, “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. This is the entire Torah, the rest is but elaboration.” (What precisely is deemed hateful to others and should be avoided — Rashi.)

Why did the gentile make such a strange condition?

In Torah, theholidays are called “regalim” (Shemot 23:14) because of the mitzvah of making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem by foot. (See Rabbeinu Bachya and Chagigah 3a.) The Gemara (Sukkah 47a) says about Shemini Atzeret that it is “Regel bifnei atzmo” — “a separate holiday” — independent of Sukkot.

The gentile, before deciding to convert, studied Torah and was quite familiar with ourholidays, traditions, etc. After comprehending the beauty of Torah, he made his decision to convert. One thing, however, bothered him: what is the significance of the “regel” — “holiday” — of Shemini Atzeret? He knew the reason for celebrating Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, but saw no rationale for Shemini Atzeret.

Therefore, he said to Hillel metaphorically, “I am prepared to convert, but first you must clear up an enigma bothering me. Teach me all there is to know ‘al regel achat’ — about ‘theholiday of Shemini Atzeret’ — which I am trying to ‘stand on,’ i.e. understand, but for which the Torah does not give any reason.”

Hillel replied that Shemini Atzeret was given to the Jews because Hashem said, “Kasheh alai peridatchem.” Simply explained, this means that Hashem is distressed by the leave-taking between Him and the Jewish people after Sukkot. However, precisely explained, the word “predatchem means, “Your separation. This can be understood as a reference to dissension between Jews themselves which is avoided by not doing unto others what you would not like to be done unto you. Hashem is saying, “Your separation [among yourself] is difficult unto me. I cannot bear to witness strife and animosity between you. Therefore, celebrate this one more day in unity, and may it evoke a spirit of unity within you for the entire year.” Thus, the essence of this regel — holiday — is to foster unity and Ahavat Yisrael among the Jewish people.

(ר' ישראל זצ"ל מרוזין)