The bulk of the tractate of Taanis ("fast day") discusses the procedure for the communal fasts that courts would institute in the event of drought in the Land of Israel. The final chapter discusses the laws for the annual public fast days, commemorating the destruction of Jerusalem.
Taanis tractate concludes with the holiday of the 15th of Av, on which day "the daughters of Jerusalem would go out and dance in the vineyards," in the search for a spouse. What would the dancing maidens say?
The rabbis taught:
The beautiful amongst them, what would they say to the men? "Focus on beauty, for a woman is only for beauty."
Those with prestigious lineage amongst them, what would they say? "Focus on family, for a woman is only for the children she bears."
The homely ones amongst them, what would they say? "Your acquisition should be for the sake of Heaven—provided that you adorn us with golden jewelry."1
Ulah Bira'ah said in the name of Rabbi Elazar: In the future, G‑d will make a dance for the tzaddikim (righteous people) and He will sit amongst them in Gan Eden. And every one of the tzaddikim will point out G‑d with their finger; as the verse says (Isaiah 25:9), "And they shall say on that day, 'Behold, this is our G‑d: we hoped for Him that He would save us; this2 is G‑d for whom we hoped; let us rejoice and be happy with His salvation.'"
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