To explain why [the attribute of] Tiferes is given that name: With regard to the appearance of the colors, the appearance of the color white reflects the qualities of kindness and goodness. The appearance of the color red reflects the quality of judgment, like blood that is red. When these colors are mixed attractively, with the two colors combined in a measured manner, then [it is possible] to appreciate beauty.

Beauty, as reflected in an object’s color, also indicates its flavor. For example, [the outer appearance of] an apple reveals its taste, [e.g., red apples are generally sweet, green apples are generally more tart]. Similarly, the flavors of foods and plants express the two qualities of Chessed and Gevurah, i.e., the bitter and the sweet. And then there is an intermediate quality, which is a blended flavor, combining the two opposites together. Similar concepts apply with regard to [musical] tones that are very pleasing to the soul, as is well known regarding melodies and [is quite familiar to those who engage in] the study of music. The fundamental dimension of beauty and pleasantness comes from harmonizing different tones.

The same concept is seen regarding the physical elements of fire and water. There is an intermediary that combines fire and water together, as is known in the books of natural science. Similarly, with regard to herbs, there are grasses and substances that are good and impart life. And there are grasses and substances that are pungent and harmful. And there are those that are of an intermediate nature, blending and combining the two opposites. On this basis, medicine [has found cures] by making a proper mixture according to the nature of the sickness, whether it involves chills or fever. Similarly, all of the different elements of inanimate matter, the plant kingdom, and the animal kingdom are combinations of the two opposites, Chessed and Gevurah, as mentioned above with regard to man’s intellect and emotion.

Behold, an intermediary that includes the two opposites Chessed and Gevurah in an effective blend is called truth and is called beauty, as explained above. As we see, beauty and splendor come about when one mixes the colors of white and red in an effective and attractive manner in a painting. White alone is not beautiful or splendid, nor is red alone.1 Only when they are combined together in an attractive picture are they beautiful and splendid.2

Similarly, pleasant and splendid [musical]sounds are produced by blending tones effectively. Similar concepts apply with regard to blending different inanimate objects or plants and in the splendid mixture of colors, like those of an apple, as it is written:3 “Like an apple among the trees of the forest.” Similarly, the quality of beauty is expressed by conducting oneself in a manner that combines and harmonizes the opposite qualities of Chessed and Gevurah. Similar concepts apply regarding the intellectual tendencies toward kindness and judgment. They follow the same pattern because influence is drawn down from the intellect in one’s mind to the emotions in the heart.

This is the intent of our Sages’ statement cited above: “Which is a straight path…? Everything that is becoming (Tiferes)to himself,” reflecting a harmonious blend. This will cause one’s conduct to be “considered becoming (Tiferes)by other people,” bringing him abundant praise.