Videos about the Holy Temple
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Ascending gradations of holiness and beyond
Learn why the Holy Temple was specifically built on an incline and not on level ground. Next, we explore the sacred vessels of the Temple: are they to be viewed as parts of a greater whole or of individual value? This insight conveys a profound truth in the role of the individual vis-à-vis the community.
"Studying the dimensions of the Holy Temple is like building it"
The Midrash relates that at the beginning of the Babylonian exile, seventy years before the Jews’ return to Jerusalem, G-d instructed Ezekiel to teach them the dimensions of the Holy Temple, because when they engage in its study, G-d considers it as though they built it.
The Sages of the Talmud differ as to the positioning of the Menorah in the Holy Temple, whether east to west (along the width of the temple) or north to south (along the temple’s length). This class reveals the spiritual underpinnings of this discussion and the relevance to our daily lives. (Based on Reshimas HaMenorah)
The three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all encountered the future site of the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple. However the description of that location differed for each Patriarch. To Abraham it was a mountain, to Isaac a field, and to Jacob a house. This class will explore the significance of these differences and the relevance to our times. (Likutei Sichos vol. 15)
Parsha Matot-Massei
The Torah prohibits constructing the Temple with wood; only stone and brick are admissible. Yet the high priest's chamber, located in the Temple proper, was made of wood. This class will present an analysis of the subject from both halachic and spiritual viewpoints. (Likutei Sichos vol 28, Parshas Massei)
The "Battery" of the Holy Temple
This class is all about the Holy Ark, which contained the “Ten Commandments”, and the Cherubim that were placed on top of it. Discover some incredible details about this most sacred Jewish artifact–including what its true function was (and is!), as well as where we believe it is presently hidden.
The final law in the Rambam’s laws on constructing the Beis HaMikdash addresses the daily pre-dawn inspection by the Kohanim with torches in their hands. The exception is Shabbos, where they inspected with stationed lamps to avoid a rabbinic prohibition. Delve into the depths of this halacha. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 21 Vayakhel, sicha 1)
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