[As you set out to serve God,] do not be overly punctilious in all you do. 1 [To do so] is but a contrivance of the yetzer [hara] to make you apprehensive that you may not have fulfilled your obligation, in order to make you feel depressed. Depression, in turn, is an immense obstacle to the service of the Creator, blessed be He.

Even if you did commit a sin, [Heaven forbid], do not be overly depressed lest this stop your worship. Do feel saddened by the sin [and feel ashamed before the Creator, blessed be He, and beg him to remove your evil]; but then rejoice in the Creator, blessed be He, because you fully repented and resolved never to repeat your folly.

Even if you are certain that you did not fulfill some obligation, because of a variety of obstacles, do not feel depressed. Bear in mind that the Creator, blessed be He, “searches the hearts and minds” (Psalms 7:10). He knows that you wish to do the best but were unable to do so. Thus strengthen yourself to rejoice in the Creator, blessed be He. 2

It is written, “There is a time to act for God, they voided Your Torah.” (Psalms 119:126) This implies that the performance of a mitzvah may sometimes entail an intimation of sin. 3 In that case do not pay attention to the yetzer hara who seeks to prevent you from performing that mitzvah. Respond to the yetzer [hara]: “My sole intent with that mitzvah is but to bring gratification to the Creator, blessed be He.” With the help of God the yetzer hara will then depart from you. Nonetheless, you must carefully determine in your mind whether or not to perform that mitzvah! 4

All that I have written 5 are important principles “more desirable than much fine gold.” Each item is an important principle.