Know that every word is a komah shelemah, a complete structure. 1 Thus you must invest it with all your strength, otherwise it will be [defective], like missing a limb.
Note below, sect. 75: “Every letter contains ‘worlds, souls
and Divinity.’ These ascend and become bound up and united with one another,
with Divinity. The letters then unite and become bound together to form a word,
becoming truly unified in Divinity ... All worlds will then be unified as one
and ascend.”
Below, sect. 118: “When meditating in prayer on all the kavanot
(mystical devotions) known to you, you are but meditating on those you know. On
the other hand, when you say the word with great bonding, all kavanot are
involved in the whole word of themselves and by themselves. For every letter is
a complete world.”
Every word of Torah or prayer, therefore, is charged with spiritual forces
and signifies the ultimate principle of unity.