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"Moses went and he spoke the following words to all Israel." (Deut. 31:1)

Peshat (basic meaning):

Rashi:"Moses went"
He left the Tent of Meeting, where he had been speaking to G‑d.

Remez (hinted meaning):

For Moses went to them and told them that G‑d fulfilled His oath...

Baal HaTurim:"Moses went"
Right before this is written: "to Abraham, Isaac, and to Jacob". For Moses went to them and told them that G‑d fulfilled His oath, and brought the Jewish people into the land of Israel. The Midrash states that here we have proof that the dead speak to each other.

Derash (interpretive meaning):

Targum Yonatan: "Moses went" into the tabernacle of the house of instruction.

Tzeror HaMor: Since Moses was aware that his final day on earth had dawned, and that the people were saddened by his imminent death, as well as afraid of the impending battles in the Land of Canaan, he wanted to comfort them concerning both events.

Ohr HaChayim: "And Moses went"
means that his soul, the spirit of life named Moses had gone from him just like any Tzaddik whose end is at hand. He was aware when walking that he would die on that day.

MeOrei Ohr: What does "these words" refer to? The previous topic in Chapter 30 dealt with Teshuvah/repenting. What does the fact that Moses is 120 years old (next verse) deal with Teshuvah?

Moses was being careful to cover an excuse that folks might have justifying their not repenting. After all, Moses himself pleaded with G‑d to forgive and let him enter the Land. What did he get for all his teshuvah? And what can we expect, we who are much less knowledgeable of G‑d's ways?
Don't learn from me that teshuvah does not work.
To this Moses replies: Don't learn from me that teshuvah does not work. For I am 120 years old and the days of my life are over. I won't even return back in reincarnation in this lifetime. Also, my not being allowed to enter the Land has more to do with Joshua's time being now to lead the people, not the inability of teshuvah to work. Teshuvah works wonders. (Bi'urei HaMekubalim BeNigleh)

Ramban: Moses finished his words and all who stood before him and the young children and the women returned to their own tents. It is not necessary for the Torah to say this, for it is self-understood that after having entered the covenant they would go away from Moses. It states that Moses left the Levite camp to the camp of the Israelites to show them honor, like one who wants to take leave of a buddy and comes to ask permission of him.

Sod (esoteric, mystical meaning):

Zohar Vayelech 293:
"And Moses went and spoke these words to all Israel." (Deut. 31:1) Rabbi Hizkiyah opened with the verse, "That caused His glorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses, dividing the water before them..." (Isaiah 63:12) Blessed are Israel that the Holy One, blessed be He, favored them. Since He favored them, He called them holy firstborn sons, and brethren.

Three holy siblings went among them. They are Moses, Aaron and Miriam. It is for their merit that the Holy One, blessed be He, gave them supernal gifts. Throughout Aaron's days the clouds of glory did not move away from Israel. Come and see: Aaron was the right arm of the body. Hence it is written, "That caused His glorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses." Which is that? It is Aaron.

What is meant by, "went" in "And Moses went"? How did he go? "Went" like an armless body, as in, "and they are gone without strength before the pursuer" (Lament. 1:6) because Aaron, the right arm, died, and the body wanted to go away.

Throughout Moses' life, Israel ate bread from heaven. When Joshua came, it is written, "and the manna ceased on the morrow..." (Joshua 5:12), "And they did eat of the corn of the land on the morrow after the Passover". What is the difference between them? It is that the manna is from above, while that is from below. As long as Moses was alive, the body of the sun ruled and shone on the world. Once Moses departed, the body of the sun was gone, and the body of the moon came out,

We have learned that when the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moses: 'Behold My angel and the moon shall guide. I do not want the body of the moon. "If Your presence go not with me." I want neither the body of the sun, nor the moon. Then the body of the sun shone, and Moses became as the body of the sun before Israel. When Moses was gathered, the sun was gathered and the moon shone, which is Joshua ministering to the light of the moon. Woe to that shame!
...the sun shone on Israel for forty years...
"And he said to them, I am a hundred and twenty years old..." It is as Rabbi Elazar said that the sun shone on Israel for forty years and was gathered at the end of forty years and then the moon shone.

BeRahamim LeHayyim:
Sometimes we have to fall before we rise. Makes sense. That's why a returned repentant can stand where no righteous one who never sins can — his falls were eventually for the sake of elevation.

We make mistakes, and the job now is to make life lessons from them.

Moses dies, and we all fall down. In fact Joshua forgets 300 laws. Woe is us! We are stuck with the Moon which only reflects the Sun's light.

But wait! It is all part of the process leading to Mashiach and the End Times! So Moses had to go, really. Now. As the Lubavitcher Rebbe said, "It's now all up to you." Our Sages of Blessed Memory, our righteous forefathers have done all they could. And we stand on their shoulders! Yes we are not able to cite the entire Tanach by heart as many used to be able to do, but we can say Shema Yisrael with intent, right?!

Rosh Hashanah is soon upon us, and we need to move. Not be stuck. Fluid. ‘Rollin' on the River!’

Just like Moses went out, so too must we. We want to be in that number when the tzaddikim do their circle dance, which we do below come Simchat Torah in just one month!

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