It is written: "...who led you through that great and terrible wilderness." (Deut. 8:16) The Other Side rules over that wilderness and, against its will, the children of Israel walked on it and smashed its strength over forty years. Had they been found to be righteous during those forty years, they would have removed the Other Side from the world. But, because they angered G‑d so many times, the Other Side grow strong, and they all fell under its power there.
If you ask: Now regarding Moses, who was elevated over all the people of the world - how did he die there [under the power of the Other Side]? It was not so, for Moses was not under its power, but rather [under the power] of Mount Avarim. What does Avarim mean? Quarrels [from the Hebrew word 'evra']. The supernal rulers Above quarreled over [sovereignty over it] but it was handed not to any other ruler; and it remained so until Moses, the Faithful Servant, came and ruled over it and was buried there, and no one took part in his burial except G‑d alone, as it is written: "And He buried him in the valley." (Deut. 34:6)
"And He buried him..." Who is this referring to? The one of whom it is written in a non-descriptive way, "And He said to Moses" (Ex. 24:1) and similarly, "And He called to Moses." (Lev. 1:1) It did not write who He is. "And He buried him": It is not written who he is. But certainly this place [namely the Shechina who is "the place of the world" was engaged in the burial of Moses], as is known to the colleagues.
Therefore, no one dominated in this mountain except Moses himself, and it was he who was buried there. He did it so that all the generations of the world would know that those who died in the wilderness will rise [in the Resurrection of the Dead]. G‑d placed their shepherd among them, so that they all will be present in the awakening of the establishment of the World to Come.
If you ask: If that wilderness is the strength of the Other Side, how could G‑d, command that that goat shall be sent1 to a different mountain, namely 'Azazel'? They should have sent it to the mountain that Israel crossed over in the wilderness, because that is the place of the strength of the Other Side. But, since the children of Israel had already traversed there for forty years, its power was broken. And its power grew strong in a place where nobody ever passed before. That mountain [in the Desert] was the dwelling place of Israel for forty years.
But that place that goat [is sent to] is a elevated strong rock, and beneath the base of that rock, where no man can enter it [the Other Side] dominates exceedingly to eat its prey. Then it (the sins of Israel) will be removed from Israel and there will be no accuser against them in the inhabited region (i.e. civilization).
The dominion of the secret of faith is found in the central point of the whole Holy Land, in the Holy of Holies, and even though it (i.e. the Holy of Holies and the Holy Temple) does not exist today, in its merit the whole world is sustained. Sustenance and economic well-being emit from there to all, in every place in civilization. Therefore, even though Israel are outside the Holy Land, because of the strength and merit of the Land there is sustenance and economic well-being in the world. Therefore, it is written: "And you shall bless the L-rd your G‑d for the good land that He has given you," – for sure "the good land" (is mentioned), because there is sustenance and economic well-being in the world because of Israel.
One who delights at his table and has pleasure in foods should remember and be concerned for the holiness of the Holy Land and the sanctuary of the King that has been destroyed. Because he is sad at his table there, in the midst of joy and feasting, G‑d considers for him as though he built His house, and built all those ruins of the Temple. Happy is his portion!
BeRahamim LeHayyim: What does the above mean to you, and why is it revealed to you now?
What can we do to build the Holy Temple Below? The Holy Zohar gives us great advice: during these 22 Days in particular, make your table an altar. Three times a day, approach your daily meals in holiness. Wash your hands to purify yourself physically and spiritually. Before eating, center yourself, and reflect on the G‑dly sparks in the food. Say blessings with intention, with a focus on Who is the Source of the nourishment. Appreciate the food in your mouth, the energy it gives you to learn Torah, do mitzvahs and good deeds. Learn a piece of Torah at the table out loud to elevate the Holy sparks. Say a concluding blessing after you have eaten and are satisfied.
If you can mirror today the way the Kohanim ate the sacrifices in times of old, you will have done a tremendous tikkun, and will have helped pave the way for the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, May it please come swiftly in our time! Amen.
Bracketed annotations from Metok Midevash and Sulam commentaries
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