There are three types [of sins] that push the Shechinah away from the world and prevent the dwelling of G‑d from being in this world, and people cry out [due to the lack of flow of abundance that then results] and their voices are not heard [for the gates of prayer are locked by these sins]. These [sins] are:

1) One who lays with a menstruant woman, for there is no stronger impurity in the world as the impurity of menstruation. The impurity of the menstruant woman is more severe than all the impurities of the world. He [who lays with her] becomes impure and all who approach [and touch] him become impure with him. Wherever they go, the Shechinah is repelled by them.

And in addition, he brings bad sicknesses upon himself and on that child that he begot [with a menstruant woman]. As soon as a person approaches a menstruant woman, that impurity leaps onto him and remains in all his limbs. The Spirit of Impurity is drawn down upon the child that he begets at that moment. And all its days he will be impure, because the formation and foundation of the baby is in an impurity greater and stronger than all impurities of the world. For as soon as a man approaches a menstruant woman, her impurity leaps on him, as is written: "And her menstrual flow be upon him". (Lev. 15:24) [Menstruation is impure, being the flow of disembodied death residue.]

(2) One who lays with a daughter of a foreign god, who inserts the sign of the Holy Covenant [on the male organ] into another domain, as written: "And has married the daughter of a foreign god". (Malachi 2:11) We have learned that there is no jealousy before G‑d like the zeal for the Holy Covenant, which is the Covenant of the Divine Name and the secret of the faith. It is written: "And the people began to commit harlotry with the daughters of Moab" (Numbers 25:1) and immediately, "the anger of G‑d was kindled against Israel". (Ibid. 25:3)

The leaders of the people who knew [about their sin] and did not protest were punished first, as is written: "Take all the leaders of the people and hang them up before G‑d opposite the sun". (Ibid. 25:4) Rabbi Aba said: What is meant by, "opposite the sun?" It means opposite the covenant that is called 'sun', of which it is said, "For the L-rd G‑d is a sun and a shield" (Psalms 84:12)? "A sun and shield" is the Holy Covenant. In the same way that the sun shines and illuminates the world, the Holy Covenant shines and illuminates the body of man. In the same way that a shield protects the man, so does the Holy Covenant protect the man. And no injury that can approach one who protects it. This is: "opposite the sun" [through the Covenant called "sun"].

The leaders of the people in every generation are caught if they know of this sin and are not zealous in guarding against it. This responsibility is incumbent upon them to be zealous for G‑d in upholding this covenant against all who would bring this holiness in another domain [i.e. idolatry or into the body of an idolator] . About this is written: "You shall have no other G‑d before me, do not bow down to them and do not worship them, for I the L-rd your G‑d, am a zealous G‑d" (Ex. 20:3-5). And it is all the same zeal and therefore, the Shechinah is repelled by him [who sins thus].

3) One who is false to the Holy Covenant that is sealed in the flesh of a man [i.e. spills seed] is as though he is false to the Divine Name because one who is false with the seal of the King is false to the King himself. Therefore, he does not have any part with the G‑d of Israel, if not through the power of constant repentance.

BeRahamim LeHayyim: Why did the Ari and Chida pick this Zohar?

This is a traditional discourse that may offend modern sensibilities. How can we account for the tremendous condemnation of intimate relations with a menstruant woman or with a non-Jewish woman? Is this the concoction of some old intolerant men?

Before we throw the baby out with the bathwater, we need to recognize that what we see is not what we get.

Much of life depends on not making improper mixtures. When one is sick, they need medicine. But a little too much medicine can kill! And what is a vaccine other than injecting some disease into oneself to build up antibodies.

The word "impure" does not imply "dirty" or "disgusting"! Judith Abrams has suggested using "disembodied death residue" instead — like the feeling one gets when one is in a room where someone has just died. A menstruant woman has passed an egg which has died and she has some of this residue for a period of time. So too does the man who has ejaculated. The Zohar cautions on the spiritual problems of such a condition.

As to the mixing with non-Jews, that is of a different nature. Just a brief glance at the incredible assimilation that we moderns are facing should give us great pause before approving of intermarriage. These are all questions which we must decide for ourselves. The Zohar above gives its spiritual vision of the Heavenly consequences. They are worth being part of the mix of all deliberations on such issues.

What does this mean to you, and why is it revealed right now?

Bracketed annotations from Metok Midevash and Sulam commentaries
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