It is possible to utilize for G‑d's service, [in a manner] according to Torah, all behavior-traits. This includes those traits that are unwholesome, and even those that are evil, as their names and descriptions indicate. For example, the tzadik Rabbi Meshulam Zushya of Anipoli, of blessed memory, learned [from his Rebbe, the Maggid of Mezritch] a number of ways of serving G‑d from [the ways of] a thief:

[He] learned a number of ways of serving G‑d from a thief

1) He works quietly without others knowing.
2) He is ready to place himself in danger.
3) The smallest detail is of great importance to him.
4) He labors with great toil
5) [and] Enthusiasm.
6) He is confident and optimistic.
7) If he did not succeed the first time, he tries again and again.

[From HaYom Yom by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, translated by Uri Kaploun (Kehot)].

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The Maggid also taught Rabbi Zushya, his disciple, three more ways, which can be learned by observing a small child:

Three more ways can be learned by observing a small child

8) Never for a moment is he idle
9) When he needs something, he demands it vigorously
10) He is merry for no particular reason

[From The House of Rizhin by Rabbi Menachem Brayer [Mesorah].]

Biographical notes:
Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch, (c.1700-19 Kislev 1772), succeeded his master, the Baal Shem Tov, as the head of the Chasidic movement. Most of the leading chasidic dynasties stem from his disciples and his descendents. The classic anthologies of his teachings are Likutei Amarim and Torah Ohr (combined by Kehot Publishing as Maggid Devorav l'Yaakov), and Ohr HaEmmes.