By the Grace of G‑d
Third Day1
of the Week of Tzav,
11 Adar2
Brooklyn, N.Y.
To the Sons and Daughters of our
People Israel, Everywhere,
G‑d bless you all,
Greeting and Blessing:
With only several days4 left to Purim, it is high time to remind ourselves and others about all that has to be done in connection with Purim, particularly in keeping with its special features this year:
This coming Purim occurs on the sixth day of the week, the day on which the first man, Adam, was created5, and he immediately called upon all the Creation to acknowledge the Creator as King of the Universe6; which is why we will say this Purim7 the Psalm “Hashem is King; He has garbed Himself with grandeur”8;
The week is Parshas Tzav—Tzav indicating instruction and exhortation “for now and for subsequent generations9;” which also points to the immediate and lasting effects that should result from the activities and inspiration of Purim. In the words of the Megillah: “These days (of Purim) shall be remembered and observed by every generation...and their remembrance shall not perish from their descendants10”;
The year (5741) is a Year of Hakhel, which (in the time of the Beis Hamikdosh) used to be ushered in with an assembly of all the people, the men, and the women, and the children11 (including infants12) during the Festival of Succos, in the Beis Hamikdosh, to hear portions of the Torah that inspired their whole life13 “to keep all the words of this Torah14.”
Hence, the preparations for Purim, and the experience of Purim itself, in general and in every detail, should permeate every Jew for now and for generations to come, beginning with the basic teaching of Purim: that in any matter relating to the King of the Universe (His Torah and Mitzvos), even while still being “scattered and dispersed among the nations,” Jews—“young and old, children and women”—“will not kneel, nor bow down15,” but will always be proud of their Jewishness; and, moreover,
Will work in this direction to inspire every Jew16 that can be reached—in the spirit of Hakhel, assembling the men and the women and the children, and uniting them all into one Kohol17, for the purpose of observing all the laws of the Torah, beginning with the Mitzvos of Purim18: the Megillah reading, reciting the prayer of “Ve’al Hanissim,” Mishloach Monos, gifts to the poor, Purim Se’udah and—rejoicing with Purim19.”
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In practical terms, specifically: To strengthen and expand the preparations for Purim, with a view to enabling every Jew, “young and old, children and women,” to observe Purim in the fullest measure,
Especially involving also children20, many children and all the children21, boys and girls, in both the preparations for Purim and in the actual fulfilment of the Mitzvos of Purim.
And, of course, to care and provide also for Jews who find themselves in special circumstances (in military service, senior citizens’ homes, orphanages, hospitals, correctional institutions) to enable them to celebrate Purim fully.
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A further point of special relevance to this coming Purim, is in connection with the fact that when Purim occurs on a Friday22, it becomes an extended Purim for the Holy City of Jerusalem23, extending into Sunday in some aspects, like the Purim Se’udah, rejoicing with Purim, Mishloach Monos, etc.
When Jews went into exile, after the destruction of the first Beis Hamikdosh, they vowed never to forget Jerusalem, and remember it and raise it above every Simchah, as David, the Sweetener of the Songs of Israel24, declares in Tehillim25.
It would therefore be appropriate, indeed very much so, for Jews everywhere to make this coming Sunday (Parshas Shemini) a particularly joyous one by additional activities that produce joy: Torah study (“rejoicing the heart26”), spreading joy among Jews in the spirit of Ahavas Yisroel, and if suitable or necessary—through Mishloach Monos to friends, and gifts to the poor27, and particularly through gatherings to spread Yiddishkeit in the spirit of “Yerushalayim”—Yirah shleima28, complete awe (of—את—Hashem29),
Especially through gatherings (“hakhel”) of Jewish children, all of whom, including infants, are “Tzivos Hashem”—and
To do all the above with true joy, in accordance with the conclusion of Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim, Laws of Purim: “The good-hearted feasts always30.”
In this way we identify ourselves still more with Jerusalem, to which we turn every day at prayer, as it is written, “They will pray to Hashem through the city which You have chosen31,” chosen and given to every Jew and to all Jews for ever, as an eternal inheritance.
* * *
May G‑d grant that just as in the days of Mordechai and Esther it turned out that “For the Jews there was light, joy, gladness, and honor32”—in the plain sense of these terms as well as in their inner meaning, as our Sages explain33—so shall it be for us, and
With “Geulo following Geulo34,” that after the Geulo of Purim should immediately follow the true and complete Geulo through our righteous Moshiach, a Geulo similar to the liberation from the land of Egypt35,
And before that (while still in Golus) “We36 Your people and sheep of Your pasture37, will thank You for ever; we will tell Your praise to generation and generation.”
With esteem and blessing for
Hatzlocho in all above, and for
a Joyous Purim38,
/Signed: Menachem Schneerson/
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