
Rabbi Shusterman on Halachot of Purim


The laws and customs for the Purim observances; from reading the megillah to sending gifts of food.

Halachah – Erev Purim
Audio | 11:13
Halachah – Erev Purim
Halachot of Ta'anit Esther and the Half Shekel that is given to charity on this day
Halachah – The Megillah Reading
Laws and customs pertaining to the mitzvah of reading and hearing the Megillah.
Halachah – Mitzvot of Purim
Audio | 22:54
Halachah – Mitzvot of Purim
The laws and customs for the purim mitzvot of mishloach manot—sending food gifts, matanot la’evyonim—charity for the poor, and the festive feast.
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