If the holy tzadik, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, would be with us today, he would certainly raise his hands to the heavens and argue with the Master of the Universe on behalf of His children, the Jews.

What he would say is far beyond my soul to know. But nevertheless, I'll take an ounce of chutzpah and guess the contents of his words.

“First you closed their schools,” he would recount. “So that the children could not learn Torah. And yes, as it says in Your holy Torah, if there are no lambs, there are no sheep.”

“So the teachers stayed up late at night preparing classes to teach online. And the little children ran to their computers each morning to learn the sweet words of your Torah.”

“Then you closed their places of prayer, their yeshivas, their seminaries, their study halls. Prayer and Torah study—two out of three pillars upon which the world endures!”

“And so they made videos, livestream classes for thousands, spreading Torah to a degree never seen before. Joe Goldstein was stuck at home, so he started wrapping tefillin each morning, and he heard more Jewish words than he had his entire life.”

“And then, you took away the third pillar of the world. You forced them apart from one another, so that no longer could a Jew have another Jew as a guest for the holy Shabbat, no longer could friends sit together over a table and share what stirs within their heart. How was one Jew to help another? How was one to even know what the other needs?”

“And so they emailed AskTheRabbi asking how they could get matzah, where they could get mezuzahs, what they should do for their grandmother, stuck alone for the Passover Seder. And one Jew responded to another, from one end of the world to the next, and found a way to help.”

“And just when it seemed impossible for Jews to keep the Passover celebration, when all the Passover retreats were suddenly cancelled, and even the traditional family seders and Chabad House seders were called off, they ran to help one another, each one teaching the other the most exciting ways to make a seder, keeping the channels of matzah and Passover needs flowing outward to every Jew.”

“Oh, Master of the Universe! Who can fathom Your ways? You sent sickness throughout the land, weakening the fathers and the mothers, striking down their elders and some young ones too, not allowing the children even the right to mourn as befits a Jewish child.”

“The people were tired, confused, sickened, stressed and way over-extended.”

“And what did they do? They picked up a mop and a vacuum cleaner, a rag and a heavy-duty cleanser and they set to work day and night to clean their homes for Passover!”

“Why? For what reason? For YOU! Despite all You did to hide from them, to keep them from your Torah, to keep them from closeness to You, they did this for You.”

“Infinite, Unknowable, Source of Life and Master of All Things—who can understand You? Who can know the depths of Your goodness, the countless miracles You make for us each day? Who am I, this miserable meat-patty with eyeballs, to complain?”

“And yet, I must speak up, Almighty G‑d! Look down upon Your people! After all that You have placed in their way, after every obstacle, and even after hiding from them within the bitter darkness of illness and mourning, see what they go through not to be separated from You!”

“Master of the World, Your children love You dearly. And they love one another, to the point that no walls or social distancing can tear them apart. And You love all of them infinitely more.”

“So show them that love! Open up their hearts, their minds and their souls, and pour there Your love, Your passion, and the warmth of Your closeness! Take them out of the prisons of their limited consciousness into the broad expanse of Your infinite light! Show them the final Exodus for which their ancestors yearned all these millennia!”

Next year in Jerusalem.