The Seder night is a big deal, and many dress in their finest for the occasion. However, Jewish law is not particular about the specifics of the Seder dress code. So long as you participate, eat the right amount of matzah and maror, drink four cups of wine and retell the story of the Exodus, you’re a Passover pro.
The first Seder in history was different. On the eve of the redemption from Egypt the Israelites were commanded to slaughter a lamb, place its blood on the lintel and doorposts of their homes, and eat a roasted piece of the meat together with matzah and bitter herbs. Additionally, G‑d specified how they should dress at this meal: “And this is how you shall eat it: with your waist belted, your shoes on your feet, your staff in your hand, and you shall eat it in haste.”
On the surface, this instruction is simply a practical way of ensuring that they be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. But this is also a description of the creation of our nation, recorded in the Torah, which serves as a guidebook for eternity. Every detail contains layers of meaning that inform us how to live a wholesome Jewish life today.

A belt is used to organize our clothing: wrapped around the waist, it supports the entire body. Our first priority is to be solid in our Judaism—ensure that we are informed about how a Jew should live and observe Judaism. Balance and cohesion are central to healthy Jewish living.

Shoes allow us to interact with our immediate surroundings without injuring ourselves from the various hazards that abound on the ground. Judaism should not be reserved for the privacy of our homes or the religious comfort of the synagogue. Torah lessons and prayer inspiration must be the filter through which we interact with society.
Although the secular world may seem hostile to Jewish ideals, by influencing friends, coworkers and neighbors to live a more ethical and moral life inspired by Torah lessons, we are less susceptible to being distracted from our own religious commitment. We become an inspiration to others and garner genuine respect and acceptance.

Finally, on a long journey over treacherous terrain, a walking stick becomes essential and enables us to reach places we cannot reach on our own. Our Jewish imprint must be global, inspiring people we may never meet in a lifetime. Every individual is capable of this, and modern technology makes this task more achievable than ever.
Use your social media presence to broadcast Jewish messages. You never know who is reading your post about the latest Torah lesson you learned, or viewing the photo of you doing a mitzvah—and its effect can be greater than your wildest imaginings.
These are the components of Jewish freedom: strengthen your personal observance, inspire your immediate surroundings and take your message to the world.
Suit up quickly, because Moshiach’s arrival is at hand.
(Adapted from Michtav Klali, 11 Nissan 5746)
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