Seventh Day: Splitting of the Sea
A Lesson from the Splitting of the Sea
Moving forward is easier said than done. Especially when we rationalize that maybe it wasn’t so bad where we were, or maybe we should just invest our energy trying to change what we have no power over. Sometimes we might just even want to give up. Or it might seem that by doing nothing but thinking positive, things will just turn on their own. But we must remember that when given an opportunity to change our reality, an opportunity to break out of those chains, we must take it . . .
Video | 28:57
Life Lessons from Parshat Beshalach
Shortly after leaving Egypt, the children of Israel found themselves in an impossible situation, stuck between the sea in front of them and the Egyptian army chasing them from behind. The proper response contains a powerful lesson in surmounting seemingly impossible challenges.
Video | 8:22
When the Jewish people was surrounded by the Egyptians at the sea, four opinions were
voiced on how to respond: 1) Jump into the sea – better to give one’s life in sanctification of G-d’s Name than to transgress His will; 2) Return to Egypt – perhaps they had not completed their spiritual mission there; 3) take up arms and fight – for to extinguish their own lives or return to Egypt would both transgress G-d’s will; 4) Pray to G-d.
Video | 6:01
At the dawn of the exodus, our ancestors stood at the banks of the Red Sea, suddenly trapped between its raging waters and the advancing Egyptian forces behind them. What did they do?
Video | 22:57
Not long after leaving Egypt, the Jewish people found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptians chasing behind them. At that time, our people were divided into four factions as to what should be the appropriate reaction.
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