Joseph sold; led to Egypt.


Joseph becomes Grand Vizier of Egypt.


Jacob with entire family of 70 souls settle in Goshen, Egypt.


Jacob dies at the age of 147. Is carried by his children to Hebron. Buried in the Cave of Machpelah.


Joseph dies at the age of 110. His coffin sunk in the Nile.

2362 or 2363

Beginning of full enslavement of the children of Israel in Egypt.

2368 , Adar 7

Moses born.


Moses appears before Pharaoh demanding the release of Israel from Egypt.

2448, Rosh Chodesh Nissan

Moses tells the children of Israel about the Paschal sacrifice.

2448 , 10th day of Nissan

By G‑d's command, the children of Israel set aside lambs for the Paschal sacrifice.

2448, 14th day of Nissan, Afternoon

Paschal lamb sacrificed for the first time.

2448 , Nissan 14-15, Midnight

Plague of the first-born.

2448 ,Nissan 15, Morning

Departure from Egypt.

2448 , Nissan 21

Crossing of Red Sea (Seventh day of Pesach).

2448 , lyar

War with Amalekites in Refidim.

2448 , lyar 16

The Manna began.

2448 , Sivan I

Children of Israel arrive in the Sinai desert.

2448 , Sivan 5

Children of Israel declare "Naaseh V'Nishma." We will do and we will hear!

2448 , Sivan 6

The giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai (Shavuot).