2216 |
Joseph sold; led to Egypt. |
2229 |
Joseph becomes Grand Vizier of Egypt. |
2238 |
Jacob with entire family of 70 souls settle in Goshen, Egypt. |
2255 |
Jacob dies at the age of 147. Is carried by his children to Hebron. Buried in the Cave of Machpelah. |
2309 |
Joseph dies at the age of 110. His coffin sunk in the Nile. |
2362 or 2363 |
Beginning of full enslavement of the children of Israel in Egypt. |
2368 , Adar 7 |
Moses born. |
2447 |
Moses appears before Pharaoh demanding the release of Israel from Egypt. |
2448, Rosh Chodesh Nissan |
Moses tells the children of Israel about the Paschal sacrifice. |
2448 , 10th day of Nissan |
By G‑d's command, the children of Israel set aside lambs for the Paschal sacrifice. |
2448, 14th day of Nissan, Afternoon |
Paschal lamb sacrificed for the first time. |
2448 , Nissan 14-15, Midnight |
Plague of the first-born. |
2448 ,Nissan 15, Morning |
Departure from Egypt. |
2448 , Nissan 21 |
Crossing of Red Sea (Seventh day of Pesach). |
2448 , lyar |
War with Amalekites in Refidim. |
2448 , lyar 16 |
The Manna began. |
2448 , Sivan I |
Children of Israel arrive in the Sinai desert. |
2448 , Sivan 5 |
Children of Israel declare "Naaseh V'Nishma." We will do and we will hear! |
2448 , Sivan 6 |
The giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai (Shavuot). |
Table of Dates
Published by Kehot Publication Society
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