The Passover Haggadah (הַגָּדָה, pronounced hah-GOH-doh by Ashkenazim and hah-gah-DAH by Sephardim and speakers of Modern Hebrew) is the guidebook to the Passover evening meal (Seder), containing ancient texts dating back to Biblical times, as well as the Talmudic era, all of which come together to recreate the story of Passover and share its meaning to the modern Jew.
The Haggadah walks the users through the 15-step Seder experience, providing instructions, as well as texts to read and discuss.
Often printed in Booklet form, the Haggadah is often accompanied by an astonishing array of commentaries and/or translations. Some ancient illustrated Haggadahs are priceless museum pieces, while the common Haggadah, filled with wine stains and crumbs, is a treasured family friend that appears each year at Passover time.
In addition to the acclaimed Haggadah, offers a number of online printable Haggadah options, including a traditional Hebrew-English PDF, alongside Hebrew-only and English-only versions and those with extensive commentaries.

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