Recall a situation in which you were a bit frustrated, annoyed or unhappy, it could've be a big thing or a very minute detail, a one-time occurrence or some small thing that bugs you on a regular basis.

Now, think for a second about how you would have preferred that situation to have unfolded. What would have been the ideal other way that things could have been, that other way that would not have left you annoyed, frustrated or unhappy?

The very deep, often subconscious ways that we feel life needs to be limit usNow here's the tough part: Consider that everything that happens to us is in fact just perfect, just the way it needs to be, absolutely best for us, and in fact super-great. And the other way that could have spared us the annoyance, frustration or unhappiness wasn't. It just wasn't. In fact, though we probably weren't conscious of at the time, the non-existent other way was the very source of our discontent.

Much of our personality, self-image, and life-goals consist of these molds or definitions that are based on how things ought to be. When the small details of life don't match up, we experience pain, aggravation, and unhappiness. The very deep, often subconscious ways that we feel life needs to be in fact limit us, and don't allow us to accept and happily handle the actual encounters we have along the way.

We have to, therefore, take the time to think inwardly and essentially let go of the constructs that we have of the way we need life to be. This will free us to embrace each event as it comes, relate to it with emotional openness, maximize ourselves in the face of any scenario, and reduce the frustration and unhappiness that we feel.

By the way, in Jewish terms this is called "going out of Egypt."