The Body and Soul of Chanukah
The victory of light over darkness is the cosmic mega-drama -- the ongoing story of all that is. It reoccurs at every winter solstice, at every dawn of each day...
Night One
Chanukah is about not being afraid of the dark. We need that even more today, when the enemy is terror itself...
Night Two
Today, the state of technology is such that the most lethal weapon of mass destruction ever created is a human being who believes that death is the gateway to paradise...
Night Three
Antiochus acknowledged the mitzvot as the Jewish people's culture. What he could not tolerate was that these people claimed their practices to be divinely ordained.
Night Four
Evil occurs when people lock G-d out of His universe, brazenly asserting that they can do as they wish...
Night Five
Today we have seen that not even an army is needed, nor warheads or missiles -- but only an obsessive willpower...
Night Seven
Why didn't the Seleucids just destroy the oil, as opposed to defiling it? Oil is a symbol for holiness...
Night Eight
The Maccabees had done all that was physically possible, but the jar of oil was only enough to purify the Temple and relight the menorah for one day...
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- Chanukah (1416)