Negative Commandment 120 (Digest)
Leaving Sacrificial Meat Uneaten
"You shall leave none of it until the morning"—Leviticus 22:30.
It is forbidden to leave over sacrificial meat past the deadline when it may be eaten.
And the 120th prohibition is that we are forbidden from leaving over any part of the Thanksgiving offering (todah) until the morning [of the next day].
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "[It must be eaten on the same day] with nothing left over until the [next] morning." From this offering we derive the principle for the other offerings: that whatever remains after the time designated for their consumption becomes nosar. One then is obligated to burn it, since this is a lav she'nitak l'aseh, and burning it is a positive commandment, as we explained in Positive Commandment 91.
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