
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 100: Negative Commandment 193, 153, 194; Positive Commandment 146

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Negative Commandment 193 (Digest)
Vegetables or Grains Grown in a Vineyard

"Lest the seed that increase become forbidden"—Deuteronomy 22:9.

If vegetables or grains grew in a vineyard, it is forbidden to consume both the grapes as well as the vegetables or grain.

This biblical prohibition only applies in the land of Israel.

Negative Commandment 153 (Digest)
Untithed Produce

"And they shall not profane the holy things of the children of Israel, that which they offer to G‑d"Leviticus 22:15.

It is forbidden to partake of produce before all the requisite tithes – those that belong to the kohen, Levite, the poor, and the tithe that is separated and eaten in Jerusalem – are separated.

Negative Commandment 194 (Digest)
Idolatrous Libations

"Who eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drink the wine of their libations"Deuteronomy 32:38.

It is forbidden to drink wine that was used as a libation for an idol.

Positive Commandment 146 (Digest)

"And you shall slaughter of your cattle and of your sheep...as I have commanded you"—Deuteronomy 12:21.

We are commanded to ritually slaughter [animals and fowl] if wishing to eat from their flesh. Only through slaughter is flesh rendered fit for consumption.

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
The number seven represents the cycle of creation; the number eight represents the "circumference" -- that which lies beyond the perimeter of time and space. This is why the Divine Presence came to dwell in the Israelite camp on the eighth day. This is also alluded to in the saying of our sages (Talmud, Erchin 13b) that "The lyre of Moshiach has eight strings"
  –Keli Yakar
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