
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 126: Positive Commandment 126, 129

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Positive Commandment 126 (Digest)
The Priestly Tithe

"The first of your grain...you shall give to him"Deuteronomy 18:4.

We are commanded to separate from our harvest Terumah Gedolah [the "great tithe." This tithe is given to the priest.]

This biblical precept only applies in the Land of Israel.

Positive Commandment 129 (Digest)
The Levite's Priestly Tithe

"Speak to the Levites and tell them: When you take from the Children of Israel the tithe that I have given to you from them as your inheritance, then you shall offer up from it a gift for G‑d, a tenth of the tenth"Numbers 18:26.

The Levites are commanded to separate a tenth from the tithe that they receive from the Israelites, and to give it to the priest. This tithe is called Maaser min Hamaaser or Terumat Maaser.

The Levites are commanded to give this tithe from the choicest of the produce.

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
The Torah is acquired with 48 qualities: study, listening, verbalizing, comprehension of the heart, awe, fear, humility, joy, purity, serving the sages, companionship with one's contemporaries, debating with one's students, tranquility, study of the scriptures, study of the Mishnah, minimizing engagement in business, minimizing socialization, minimizing pleasure, minimizing sleep, minimizing talk, minimizing gaiety, slowness to anger, good heartedness, faith in the sages, acceptance of suffering, knowing one's place, satisfaction with one's lot, qualifying one's words, not taking credit for oneself, likableness, love of G-d, love of humanity, love of charity, love of justice, love of rebuke, fleeing from honor, lack of arrogance in learning, reluctance to hand down rulings, participating in the burden of one's fellow, judging him to the side of merit, correcting him, bringing him to a peaceful resolution [of his disputes], deliberation in study, asking and answering, listening and illuminating, learning in order to teach, learning in order to fulfill, wising one's teacher, exactness in conveying a teaching, and saying something in the name of its speaker.
  –Ethics of the Fathers 6:6
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