
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 98: Negative Commandment 181, 182, 184, 185, 183

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Negative Commandment 181 (Digest)
The Injured Animal

"You shall not eat any meat that is torn in the field"Exodus 22:30.

It is forbidden to consume the flesh of an animal that has been attacked by another animal and sustained life-threatening injuries, or an animal that has sustained such injuries in another manner, even if it has been ritually slaughtered.

The fact that the Torah employs the words "in the field" when issuing this prohibition teaches us that certain other meats that have "left their natural borders" are also forbidden. This includes flesh of a sacrifice that has left its confines (e.g., the flesh of a "holy of holies" sacrifice that left the Temple Courtyard), and the fetus that has extended an arm [or leg outside his mother's womb and then its mother was slaughtered before it was born—this limb is forever forbidden for consumption].

This prohibition also includes any flesh torn from a living animal.

Negative Commandment 182 (Digest)
The Limb of a Living Animal

"And you may not eat the life with the meat"Deuteronomy 12:23.

It is forbidden to eat a complete limb removed from a living animal.

Negative Commandment 184 (Digest)
Consuming Blood

"You shall not eat any blood"Leviticus 7:26.

It is forbidden to consume [a kosher mammal or bird's] blood. This prohibition is repeated several times in the Torah.

Negative Commandment 185 (Digest)
Forbidden Fats

"You shall eat no fat of an ox, sheep, or goat"Leviticus 7:23.

It is forbidden to consume [certain] fats [that were offered on the Temple Altar] of kosher domesticated animals.

Negative Commandment 183 (Digest)
The Sciatic Nerve

"Therefore the children of Israel shall not eat the sciatic nerve"Genesis 32:33.

It is forbidden to consume an animal's sciatic nerve.

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
Imagine two fierce legions who were always at war with one another, but when the king needed their services for his own battle, he made peace between them, so that both should carry out the orders of the king. Likewise, fire and water are hostile to each other, but when the time came to do war with Egypt.. "there was hail, and fire flaring up within the hail" (Exodus 9:24)
  –Midrash Rabbah
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