Negative Commandment 52 (Digest)
"You shall not make marriages with them"—Deuteronomy 7:3.
It is forbidden to marry a non-Jew.
52nd prohibition is that we are forbidden from marrying heretics.
source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "do not intermarry with them," which then
explains what kind of intermarriage is referred to — "do not give your
daughters to their sons, and do not take their daughters for your sons."
Avodah Zarah states clearly, "the Torah prohibition applies
where there is marriage."
are variations regarding the punishment for one who transgresses this
prohibition. If he has relations with her in public, the punishment is carried
out by one who kills him while he is in the act — as Pinchas did to Zimri. Our Sages said [regarding this law]: "a man who has relations
with a non-Jew — the zealous are allowed to kill him." This is true only upon
certain conditions: that the act was done in public and the act is still in
progress, just as it happened [with Pinchas and Zimri].
however, nobody knows of the act, or he separated from her before the zealous
could kill him, his punishment is kares.
This kares is not explicitly
mentioned in Scripture. Our Sages asked, "what if the zealous do not kill him?" They
explain that he receives kares, as it
is written, "[Yehudah has rebelled...] because Yehudah,
who was holy to G‑d, has profaned himself; because he loved and had relations
with the daughter of a foreign god. G‑d will give kares to the one who does this, [he will neither be] a student nor
a teacher." [In reference to this] our Sages said, "from here we learn that he
receives kares."
it is determined that a man has had relations with a non-Jewish woman, and
there were witnesses and a warning, he is lashed by Torah law. One should
understand this.
details of this law are explained in Avodah Zarah and Sanhedrin.
Negative Commandment 53 (Digest)
Marriage with an Ammonite or Moabite
"An Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter the congregation of G‑d"—Deuteronomy 23:4.
It is forbidden to marry a male Ammonite or Moabite, even after they convert to Judaism.
53rd prohibition is that we are forbidden from marrying male descendants of
Ammon and Moav — even after they have converted to Judaism.
source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "An Ammonite or Moabite [man] may never enter
the congregation of G‑d."
who transgresses this prohibition receives lashes — i.e., when a male Ammonite
or Moabite convert has relations with a Jewish woman within marriage, both
receive lashes by Torah law.
details of this law are explained in the eighth chapter of Yevamos and the end of Kiddushin.
Negative Commandment 55 (Digest)
Rejecting an Egyptian
"Do not reject an Egyptian"—Deuteronomy 23:8.
It is forbidden to utterly distance an Egyptian convert. A third generation Egyptian convert must be allowed to marry among the Jewish people.
55th prohibition is that we are forbidden from distancing ourselves from
Egyptians by refusing to marry them once they have converted to Judaism.
source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "do not despise the Egyptian."
details of these two mitzvos, i.e.,
that of the Egyptian and that of the Edomite, are explained in the eighth chapter of Yevamos
and the end of Kiddushin.
Negative Commandment 54 (Digest)
Rejecting an Edomite
"Do not reject the Edomite, since he is your brother"—Deuteronomy 23:8.
It is forbidden to utterly distance an Edomite convert. A third generation Edomite convert must be allowed to marry among the Jewish people.
54th prohibition is that we are forbidden from distancing ourselves from the
descendants of Esav once they have converted to Judaism — i.e., we are forbidden
from refusing to marry them after their conversion.
source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "do not despise the Edomite, since he is your
Negative Commandment 354 (Digest)
Marrying a Bastard
"A mamzer shall not enter into the assembly of G‑d"—Deuteronomy 23:3.
A child born of certain illicit relationships is called a mamzer. Such an individual may not marry a non-mamzer.
354th prohibition is that a mamzer is forbidden from having relations with a
Jewish woman.
source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "a mamzer
may not enter the congregation of G‑d."
who transgresses this prohibition receives lashes.
details of this mitzvah are explained
in the eighth chapter of Yevamos and the end of Kiddushin.
Negative Commandment 360 (Digest)
A Castrated Man
"A man with injured testicles or whose member is cut may not enter the assembly of G‑d"—Deuteronomy 23:2.
A man whose genitals have been damaged to the point that he is incapable of fathering a child may not marry a Jewish woman.
360th prohibition is that a man whose reproductive organs have been damaged to
the extent that he cannot father children is forbidden from having relations
with a Jewish woman.
source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "a man with crushed testicles or a cut member
may not enter the congregation of G‑d."
he had relations with a Jewish woman after kiddushin,
he receives lashes.
details of this mitzvah are explained
in the ninth chapter of Yevamos.
Negative Commandment 361 (Digest)
"...neither shall you do this in your land"—Leviticus 22:24.
It is forbidden to cause castration to a male – whether human or animal – by damaging his genitals. It is forbidden even to further damage the genitals of a male who has already been castrated.
361st prohibition is that we are forbidden from damaging the reproductive
organs of any male, including all species of animals, as well as humans.
source of this commandment is G‑d's statement which follows mention of [animals whose
reproductive organs were] crushed by hand or by instrument, pulled loose, or
severed — "in your land you may not do this."
Sages gave] the explanation of this verse: "among
you [i.e., by Jews] it may not be done."
who transgresses this prohibition — i.e., who castrates one from any species —
receives lashes.
the chapter Shemonah Sheratzim, our Sages said, "What is the source for the
prohibition of castrating a man? The verse, 'in your land you may not do this'
— i.e., among you. Even the second one to damage a reproductive
organ transgresses this prohibition, as Rabbi Chiya
bar Abun said in the name of Rabbi Yochanan: 'everyone agrees that the second
one to make [a meal offering] into chometz
[also] transgresses, since it is written, "do not bake it chometz," and "do not make it chometz." The second one to damage a reproductive organ
transgresses since it is written, "crushed by hand or by instrument..." If one
transgresses for crushing by hand, it is obvious that one transgresses for
crushing with an instrument! But this comes to include even one who crushes
with an instrument after they were already crushed by hand — that he too
transgresses.' "
details of this mitzvah are explained
in a number of passages in Shabbos and Yevamos.
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