
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 89: Negative Commandment 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345

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Negative Commandment 340 (Digest)
Incest with a Paternal Aunt

"You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father's sister"Leviticus 18:12.

It is forbidden to have incestuous relations with one's father's sister.

Negative Commandment 341 (Digest)
Incest with a Maternal Aunt

"You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother's sister"Leviticus 18:13.

It is forbidden to have incestuous relations with one's mother's sister.

Negative Commandment 342 (Digest)
Incest with an Uncle's Wife

"You shall not come near his wife; she is your aunt"Leviticus 18:14.

It is forbidden to have incestuous relations with one's father's brother's wife.

Negative Commandment 343 (Digest)
Incest with a Daughter-in-Law

"You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law"Leviticus 18:15.

It is forbidden to have incestuous relations with one's daughter-in-law.

Negative Commandment 344 (Digest)
Incest with a Brother's Wife

"You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother's wife"Leviticus 18:16.

It is forbidden to have incestuous relations with one's brother's wife.

Negative Commandment 345 (Digest)
Incest with a Wife's Sister

"And you shall not take a woman with her sister"Leviticus 18:18.

It is forbidden to have incestuous relations with one's wife's sister—as long as the wife is alive [i.e., after her death, it is permitted to marry her sister].

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
"And G-d happened upon Balaam..." (Numbers 23:4). To the evil prophet Balaam, G-d "happened." Such is the hallmark of evil and unholiness is an attitude of "It just happened." In holiness, nothing is coincidental; every event is significant and purposeful.
  –The Chassidic Masters
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