Negative Commandment 320 (Digest)
Working on Shabbat
"You shall not do any manner of work"—Exodus 20:10.
We are forbidden from performing work on Shabbat.
The 320th prohibition is that we are forbidden to do melachah on Shabbos.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, ["It is Shabbos to the L‑rd, your G‑d;] do not do any melachah."
If the act was intentional, but the court has insufficient proof, Scripture specifies the punishment as kares. If the act was intentional, and there is sufficient proof, the punishment is execution by s'kilah. If the act was unintentional, he must bring a sin-offering.
The details of this commandment are discussed in the tractate Shabbos.
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