Positive Commandment 162 (Digest)
Resting on Shavuot
"And you shall proclaim on this very day that it be a holy convocation"—Leviticus 23:21.
We are commanded to rest on Shavuot, the fiftieth day following the second day of Passover, by abstaining from any creative work, with the exception of work needed for food purposes.
The 162nd mitzvah is that we are commanded to refrain from doing melachah on Shavuos.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "This very day shall be celebrate as a sacred holiday."
Negative Commandment 325 (Digest)
Working on Shavuot
"You shall do no manner of servile work"—Leviticus 23:21.
It is forbidden to engage in creative work — with the exception of work needed for food purposes — on Shavuot, the fiftieth day following the second day of Passover.
The 325th prohibition is that we are forbidden to perform melachah on Shavuos.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "No servile melachah may be done [on that day]."
Positive Commandment 163 (Digest)
Resting on Rosh Hashanah
"In the seventh month, on the first day of that month, there shall be a day of rest for you"—Leviticus 23:24.
We are commanded to rest on the first of Tishrei, Rosh Hashanah, by abstaining from any creative work, with the exception of work needed for food purposes.
The 163rd mitzvah is that we are commanded to refrain from doing melachah on the first day of the month of Tishrei [i.e., Rosh HaShanah].
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "The first day of the seventh month shall be for you Shabbason [a day of rest]."
We have already explained the statement of our Sages, "The term Shabbason indicates a positive commandment."
Negative Commandment 326 (Digest)
Working on Rosh Hashanah
"You shall do no servile work"—Leviticus 23:25.
It is forbidden to engage in creative work — with the exception of work needed for food purposes — on the first of Tishrei, Rosh Hashanah.
The 326th prohibition is that we are forbidden to perform melachah on Rosh HaShanah.
The source of this commandment is G‑d's statement, "No servile melachah may be done [on that day]."
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