
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 329: Positive Commandment 174; Negative Commandment 312, 313, 314

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Positive Commandment 174 (Digest)
Obeying the High Court

"According to the Torah which they shall teach you..."Deuteronomy 17:11.

We are commanded to obey the High Court (Sanhedrin) and heed all their decisions with regard to what is permitted or prohibited. This is true whether their decision is based on oral tradition, they arrived at their decision via extrapolation from the words of the Torah, or if the rule was issued in order to address a contemporary concern, i.e., the court saw the need to impose a certain law in order to safeguard a Torah law.

Negative Commandment 312 (Digest)
Disobeying Torah Authorities

"You shall not deviate from that which they shall tell you"Deuteronomy 17:11.

We are forbidden to dispute the rulings of the sages who are the transmitters of the Oral Tradition and to deviate from their rulings with all that pertains to Torah law.

Negative Commandment 313 (Digest)
Adding to the Torah

"You shall not add to it"Deuteronomy 13:1.

We are forbidden to add anything to the Torah—both the Written and Oral Laws.

Negative Commandment 314 (Digest)
Subtracting from the Torah

"You shall not subtract from it"Deuteronomy 13:1.

We are forbidden to subtract anything from the Torah—both the Written and Oral Laws.

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
There are seven things that characterize a boor, and seven things that characterize a wise man. A wise man does not speak before one who is greater than himself in wisdom or age. He does not interrupt his fellow's words. He does not hasten to answer. His questions are on the subject and his answers to the point. He responds to first things first and to latter things later. Concerning what he did not hear, he says "I did not hear." He concedes to the truth. With the boor, the reverse of all these is the case.
  –Ethics of the Fathers, 5:7
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