
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 253: Negative Commandment 266

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Negative Commandment 266 (Digest)

"You shall not desire your neighbor's house"Deuteronomy 5:18.

It is forbidden to entertain thoughts of jealousy regarding a coveted item that belongs to a fellow.

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
How were the Ten Commandments given? Five on one tablet and five on a second tablet. This means that "Do not murder" corresponds to "I am G-d your G-d." What is this analogous to? To a king of flesh and blood who entered a country and put up portraits of himself, and made statues of himself, and minted coins with his image. After a while, the people of the country overturned his portraits, broke his statues and invalidated his coins, thereby reducing the image of the king. So, too, one who sheds blood reduces the image of the King, as it is written (Genesis 9:6): "One who spills a man's blood... for in the image of G-d He made man."
  –Midrash Mechilta
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