The Daily Mitzvah schedule runs parallel to the daily study of 3 chapters of Maimonides' 14-volume code. There are instances when the Mitzvah is repeated a few days consecutively while the exploration of the same Mitzvah continues in the in-depth track.
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)
Day 309: Positive Commandment 246, 248
From the Sichos in English Collection
Important Message Regarding This Lesson
Positive Commandment 246 (Digest)
Laws of Claims
"In every case of which one can say: 'This is it'"—Exodus 22:8.
We are commanded to adjudicate monetary cases between litigants [according to the laws outlined in the Torah].
Positive Commandment 248 (Digest)
Laws of Inheritance
"If a man dies and he has no son..."—Numbers 27:8.
We are commanded regarding the laws of inheritance [to follow the inheritance laws detailed in the Torah]. Included in this mitzvah is that the firstborn receives a double portion from his father's estate.
From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Rambam Study Tracks
Daily Quote
A single moment of repentance and good deeds in This World is greater than all of the World to Come. And a single moment of bliss in the World to Come is greater than all of This World.
–Ethics of the Fathers 4:17
The Parshah