
Daily Mitzvah (Rambam)

Day 296: Positive Commandment 142

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Positive Commandment 142 (Digest)
Collecting Loans from Gentiles

"From the foreigner you shall pursue a debt"Deuteronomy 15:3.

We are commanded to press a gentile to repay a debt that he owes us, and not to have mercy on him [and give him an extension]—as we are commanded regarding a Jew.

[This commandment only applies to a gentile who has not accepted upon himself the observance of the Seven Noahide Laws.]

From Sefer Hamitzvot, published and copyright by Sichos in English. To purchase the Sefer Hamitzvot two-volume set, please click here.
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Daily Quote
"Teshuvah out of love" [arises] from the depths of the heart, with great love, desire, and a craving soul to cleave to G-d; the soul thirsts for G-d like a parched and barren soil, because, up until now, it was in a barren wilderness and in the shadow of death... very distant from the face of G-d... It is regarding repentance out of such great love that it has been said that premeditated sins become, for him, like virtues, since through them he attained this great love...
  –Tanya, chapter 7
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