Wednesday | Elul 29, Erev Rosh Hashana | 5703 |
S'lichot in the very early morning; remain standing at Vayomer David. Hatarat Nedarim (Annulment of Vows, p. 269), with ten participants. Eiruv Tavshilin (p. 249). | ||
Torah lessons: | Chumash: Ha'azinu, Revi'i with Rashi. | |
Tehillim: 140-150. Also 85-87. | ||
Tanya: The letters that (p. 497) known. (p. 497). |
Birth of the Tzemach Tzedek, 5549 (1789).
From the Alter Rebbe's aphorisms: We have absolutely no conception how precious to G‑d is the body of a Jew.