Wednesday | Tamuz 25 | 5703 |
Torah lessons: | Chumash: Matot-Massai, Revi'i with Rashi. | |
Tehillim: 119, 1-96. | ||
Tanya: Ch. 7. In the true (p. 367) ...a "broken spirit." (p. 369). |
There are two characteristic expressions in Chassidus:
(a) A Jew recognizes G‑dliness and senses the supra-natural. He needs no proofs for these.
(b) A Jew neither wants nor is able to be sundered from G‑dliness.1
The truth is that these two expressions are one and the same: A Jew recognizes G‑dliness and senses the higher-than-natural, and that is why he neither wants nor can he be torn away from G‑dliness.