Wednesday | Nissan 23, Issru chag, 8th day of the omer | 5703 |
Torah lessons: | Chumash: Acharei Mot, Revi'i with Rashi. | |
Tehillim: 108-112. | ||
Tanya: Now, therefore (p. 223)...the Esoteric Discipline). (p. 225). |
The presence of Mashiach is revealed on Acharon Shel Pesach, and this revelation has relevance to all Israel: Pesach is medaleg,1 "skipping over" (rather than orderly progress), and leil shimurim,2 the "protected night." In general the mood of Pesach is one of liberty. Then Pesach ends, and we find ourselves tumbling headlong into the outside world. This is where Mashiach's revealed presence comes into play - imbuing us with a powerful resoluteness that enables us to maintain ourselves in the world.