Wednesday | Tishrei 14, Erev Chag HaSukot | 5704 |
Torah lessons: | Chumash: B'racha, Revi'i with Rashi. | |
Tehillim: 72-76. | ||
Tanya: However, I shall (p. 517) ...whom He loves..." (p. 519). |
Eiruv Tavshilin (p. 249).
No more than two aravot are used, but many hadassim may be used. We make a point of binding the lulav in the suka and on erev yomtov.1 Two rings are placed on the lulav proper, and these should be covered by the hadassim and aravot, even the top ring, at least somewhat. In addition, three rings are used to bind the hadassim and aravot to the lulav. These three rings are to be all within one handbreadth.